Avery, siglos pesando jockeys - Avery, centuries weighing jockeys
(Please look for the English version below)
En el mundo del turf existen multitud de aspectos que pasan inadvertidos para la mayoría de los aficionados que acuden a diario a los múltiples hipódromos repartidos por los cinco continentes. Muchos de esos aspectos están encuadrados en la técnica sin la cual no se podrían celebrar carreras tal y como las conocemos ahora
Cartel anunciador de la empresa AVERY |
A nuestro alrededor en cada hipódromo se utilizan muchos dispositivos para que las carreras tengan lugar de forma adecuada : hay sistemas de riego para la hierba, cronómetros, cámaras de foto final, medidores del estado de terreno, totalizadores de apuestas, sistema de control filmado y tantos y tantos otros como, por ejemplo los sistema de medición de peso
No creemos que en el mundo exista una empresa relacionada con el turf, como AVERY, la protagonista de esta historia que, desde 1.730 está ligada al turf y, por lo tanto, podemos decir sin temor alguno, el eslogan que titula nuestro reportaje :
AVERY, siglos pesando jockeys
El reportaje que os ofrecemos a continuación nos ha llevado muchas horas de búsqueda en la web para obtener imágenes e información fiable sobre la empresa. También la edición de vídeo ha sido laboriosa pero nos sentimos satisfechos del resultado
Podréis ver varias básculas del siglos pasados utilizadas en hipódromos y también un par de imágenes inéditas de las que hemos obtenido autorización expresa para su publicación. También hemos recopilado varios vídeos antiguos, de mediados del siglo XX, donde se pueden ver escenas curiosas del recinto de peso así como el funcionamiento del totalizador de apuestas mas antiguo que conocemos (de 1.932) , este último instalado en un hipódromo británico desaparecido, el de Northolt
Son solo algo mas de 20 minutos, de vídeo en HD, que seguro disfrutaréis :
In turf's world there are many aspects that go unnoticed by most of the fans who come every day to the multiple racetracks spread across the five continents. Many of these aspects are framed in the technique and without them races could not celebrate as we know them now
Around us in each racecourse many devices are used so that the races take place in an appropriate way: there are systems of irrigation for the grass, chronometers, cameras of photo finish, meters of the state of land, totalizers of bets, system of filmed control and as many others as, for example, the weight measurement system
We do not believe that in the world there is a company related to the turf, such as AVERY, the protagonist of this story that, since 1730 is linked to the turf and, therefore, we can say without any fear, the slogan that titled our report:
AVERY, centuries weighing jockeys
The report that we offer you below has taken many hours of searching the web to obtain images and reliable information about the company. Also the video editing has been laborious but we are satisfied with the result
You can see several scales of past centuries used in racetracks and also a couple of unpublished images of which we have obtained express authorization for publication. We have also compiled several old videos, from the mid-twentieth century, where you can see curious scenes of the weight room as well as the operation of the oldest betting totalizer we know (of 1932), the latter installed in a British racecourse disappeared, the of Northolt
You can see several scales of past centuries used in racetracks and also a couple of unpublished images of which we have obtained express authorization for publication. We have also compiled several old videos, from the mid-twentieth century, where you can see curious scenes of the weight room as well as the operation of the oldest betting totalizer we know (of 1932), this was installed in a British racecourse disappeared, specifically in Northolt
Just only something more than 20 minutes, HD video, which you will surely enjoy:
You can see several scales of past centuries used in racetracks and also a couple of unpublished images of which we have obtained express authorization for publication. We have also compiled several old videos, from the mid-twentieth century, where you can see curious scenes of the weight room as well as the operation of the oldest betting totalizer we know (of 1932), the latter installed in a British racecourse disappeared, the of Northolt
You can see several scales of past centuries used in racetracks and also a couple of unpublished images of which we have obtained express authorization for publication. We have also compiled several old videos, from the mid-twentieth century, where you can see curious scenes of the weight room as well as the operation of the oldest betting totalizer we know (of 1932), this was installed in a British racecourse disappeared, specifically in Northolt
Just only something more than 20 minutes, HD video, which you will surely enjoy:
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